Grenada County
Sheriff's Office
Grenada, Mississippi
Mobile Version

Merry Christmas 2021


As the holiday season approaches, I want to personally take this time to acknowledge our outstanding staff and thank them for their vital contribution to this office and our community. I want to thank each and every one of our deputies and civilian staff for their hard work and encourage you to do the same when you see them. Our Office will be closed on December 23-24, 2021 and December 31, 2021. 

If you decide to travel, keep the following safety tips in mind:

  • Buckle your seatbelt always.
  • Don't drink and drive - even one alcoholic drink can reduce your abilities and impair your judgment.
  • Keep your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel - eating, changing music stations, and digging for items in the floorboard or back seat can lead to trouble. Instead, pull over and take a break.
  • Be courteous - because of the volume of vehicles on the road, you're bound to run into a few traffic jams, be cut off, or be forced to stop short - remain calm and courteous - don't let other drivers ruin your holidays

Have a safe, happy & healthy holiday season.

-Sheriff Rolando Fair