Email any Narcotics tips to
The Grenada County Sheriff Department works hard and countless hours throughout the day and night to keep Grenada County Safe. Grenada County Sheriff Department works with other agencies to help identify and bring charges against those individuals who illegally distribute drugs in Grenada County. Deputies also work and assist surrounding Counties with any illegal drug activity that may cross over county lines.
The Grenada County Sheriff’s Office understands how drugs are a contributing factor many other crimes in a Community thus the importance to removing drugs off the street.
Deputies contributes a large part of its success to the police officers and deputies who provide valuable intelligence and information from the citizens and criminal element they come in contact with on a daily basis. We also encourage citizens to report any activities that appear to be suspicious in nature.
Everyone in Grenada County can assist the Sheriff's Department with stopping illegal drug activity by providing as many Tips as possible. If you see something, give us a call or email us with the information. Your tips can be completely anonymous, contact us with any information at 662-227-8477 or email us using the tips email link on the bottom left of the home screen.
When contacting us please provide as much detail as possible about the situation.
Such as addresses or location, vehicle description and tag numbers, real names or street names of people involved, and physical descriptions.
Together we can work to stop illegal drug use in Grenada County. Contact us with any information at 662-227-8477 or email the Grenada County Narcotics unit with a confidential tip at or you may use the tips email link on the bottom left of the home screen. "All of your information will be kept in the strictest confidence".